Privacy Policy

Pharmasy Online UK carefully handles personal data collected during the provision of services to our customers and supports the principles of data protection. We take our responsibility to respect seriously. We have policies and procedures in place to protect and ensure that personal information is secure and treated in accordance with data protection laws.

If you object to the privacy policy, you may not access or use our website. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the privacy practices regarding offline activities.

Our company policy

We provide general information about how we process your personal data.
We use your personal information only to provide you with services or to perform necessary business functions and activities. We ensure that your personal data is treated securely and confidentially.
We do not sell or transmit your personal information to third parties.
We will not use your personal information for unnecessary or unrelated purposes without your consent.
We always use fair and legal methods to collect personal information. If this is necessary to receive your personal data, we will obtain it directly from you by any means necessary.

Your continued use of the Site will be deemed notice of changes to the Privacy Policy for 30 days after such notice is posted, with the following exceptions.

Purpose of collecting personal data

We often need your personal or confidential information to arrange for the ordering of medications and health-related services or to carry out necessary business transactions. This information will only be used to respond to your specific request, unless you give us permission to use it for other purposes, for example to add you to one of our mailing lists.

Commitment to data security

In most cases, the personal information we collect is provided directly by you when you tell us that we are required by law to provide medications and other health-related services.

This information may be stored digitally on secure computers or in paper or paper files.

Villelin Apotek also collects information about the website visitor experience and the statistical performance of the website – including the number of pages visited, frequency of visits to the website, general location information, etc. through the use of Google Analytics.